Performances and Events
This is our calendar of upcoming events. Now, feel free to invite your friends and spread the news about our group and things we have planned, we’d sure appreciate it!
WITR (Writers-in-the-Round) events work something like this:
- There are 3-4 writers on stage, each with a chair, music stands if they need one, a shared mic with an amplifier and optional instrument.
- Each writer introduces themself, gives the title of their song and then sings it with or without accompaniment.
- They can take questions from the audience if they want to.
- Sometimes after (or before) they sing, they’ll tell how they wrote it or what inspired it.
- It usually takes 4-6 minutes or more before it is the next writers turn.
- The focus is not on the beauty of the voice but the clearness of the pronunciation and the effect of the song.
We work on making sure the audience can hear every word. We are not professional musicians but we are creators of musical stories and that is the beauty of it.
See the calendar below the flyer for a complete list of upcoming events!